How Prophet “Daniel” Abodunrin Was Killed and Eaten By Lions At Ibadan Zoo In 1991



This story happened years back and I generally thought about how it truly went down. I now introduce it to you, as described by Abiyamo. It is exceptionally fascinating and enlightening.

“No weapon that is shaped against you will thrive; And each tongue that charges you in judgment you will censure. This is the legacy of the workers of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me,” announces the LORD.

– Isaiah 54:17

The city of Ibadan in Oyo State, southwestern Nigeria is one of the biggest in West Africa. It is home to the first college in Nigeria, University of Ibadan, set up by the provincial bosses in 1948. A standout amongst the most well known elements of this incredible stronghold of learning is its Zoological Garden, which is one of the most established in the nation. The zoo plays host to different creatures however the most incredible of all of them are the lions. For some guests, an outing to the well known zoo is not finished without seeing the lofty lions. So it was amid the Easter Lenten season of 1991, all of Ibadan was humming with energy of the season and normally, one of the prime spots of fascination for some families was the University of Ibadan Zoo. Families, couples and visitors trooped into the zoo that decisive day.

Notwithstanding, obscure to the greater part of alternate guests, there was one specific guest who had another evil plan. Religious administrator (some alluded to him as a minister or a diocesan) “Daniel” Abodunrin’s aim that critical day was not to see the lions and bring some huge pictures with them.

His objective was to show something that had never been finished. His arrangement was to reproduce what was composed in the Holy Bible a huge number of years prior. It was the tale of a Jewish kid in Jerusalem named Daniel who was caught by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon who served in the lord’s court until the season of Cyrus, the Persian sovereign.


At that point God said, “Let us make humankind in our picture, in our similarity, with the goal that they might govern over the fish in the ocean and the feathered creatures in the sky, over the domesticated animals and all the wild creatures, and over every one of the animals that move along the ground.” – Genesis 1:26

Quick forward to 1991 AD. Area: Ibadan. A minister in West Africa endeavors to reproduce what was described in the 6th section of the Book of Daniel. Minister Abodunrin wore a streaming red robe and grasped his huge Holy Bible. As he advanced for the lion walled in area, frightened zoo attendants yelled and cautioned him (some different records expressed that he sneaked in and everything happened quick while another adaptation has it that he figured out how to persuade one regarding the zoo managers to permit him enter and let God exhibit signs and ponders saying that the God of Daniel is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow).

One thing was clear: Abodunrin did not listen to any of those notice him. Alarmed families who were making the most of their cookout looked on with a dazing blend of stun and dread, shouts leased the tranquil climate of the zoo yet Abodunrin was simply droning Bible verses as loud as possible and talking in tongues. He made it into the walled in area of the lions and gazed at them. The lions gazed back at him. It was a most discomforting sight for everybody, including the lions. A trade of death gazes and at a point, a stunning hush fell over the entire spot. It was all like a motion picture. Sincere Christians in the group were holding up to see a confidence improving supernatural occurrence while a few others toughened their brains for the bloodiest dramatization of the century.

Driven by the energy and enthusiasm of religion and with the most extreme conviction that he would be spare by the Holy Spirit or that the heavenly attendants will deaden the lions as they accomplished for Daniel, Abodunrin did not quit droning Bible verses and talking in tongues, wriggling his body under the robes, giving what was the scene of the year for everybody in the zoo. A group had assembled. Be that as it may, inside the nook of the lions, something fascinating was going ahead with the Nigerian Daniel and the catlike brutes. As Abodunrin drew nearer them, the enormous felines withdrew and moved towards an edge of their confine, that was their nature. They pulled back from the pillaging ‘man of God’.

Right then and there, everybody was viewing the whole dramatization as though it was a fantasy. Here was a man in a streaming red robe, equipped with only an expansive Bible, drawing nearer a portion of the fiercest animals on earth. At the point when Abodunrin bounced into the lions’ pen, the lions moved into a strained retreat. Abodunrin ventured closer.

He appeared to be resolved to dairy animals the lions and transform them into goats. He felt he had all the magnificent power and profound forces to summon holy messengers to debilitate the lions. The best way to deaden a lion in a moment is to utilize a sedative dart, which is simply judgment skills. Be that as it may, the prophet felt things in the physical world are controlled in the domain of the spirits and there was no requirement for any sedative dart, he would utilize his duplicate of the Bible as a narcotic for the lions. He got over the individuals who cautioned him of a fast approaching passing that they had fleshly personalities and couldn’t comprehend things of the soul. Normal individuals in the gathering of people looked on with sickening dread as it resembled a gala was prepared.

He may have mixed up the retreat of the lions for an indication of shortcoming or that the heavenly attendants were really working their marvels as of now. Like an unsettled personality, Abodunrin continued droning Bible verses, making signals at the lions and summoning them to stay composed. He was approaching the God of Daniel who spared the prophet in Babylon to indicate marvelous force. As he made a last approach towards the lions, what happened next was…

“No weapon that is shaped against you will flourish; And each tongue that charges you in judgment you will censure. This is the legacy of the workers of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me,” announces the LORD.

– Isaiah 54:17

In a blaze, the lions lifted their enormous bodies and charged at Abodunrin. The Bible took off and he arrived with a crash. A sharp battle followed and the scared group couldn’t trust the scene before their eyes. It appeared everybody was excessively confounded or focused, making it impossible to try and do anything.

Minister Abodunrin couldn’t trust his eyes and as the lions arrived on him, the look of dread in his eyes must be better envisioned. In a matter of seconds, he was torn to shreds. He passed on the spot and the lions nibbled on his remaining parts. A solitary, very much pointed chomp from a lion is sufficient to kill a grown-up person in a matter of seconds. Abodunrin’s red robe was redder with the splatter of his blood everywhere, his torn and bloodied Bible in one corner of the lions’ enclosure

What stayed of the bold minister was later recuperated and you can see it in the photograph. Today, numerous evangelists over the globe have made endeavors to reproduce the described stories and supernatural occurrences of the Bible yet they have finished sadly, from the minister who suffocated while attempting to stroll on water to another minister who entered a lion’s nook in Taiwan just to be injured subsequent to yelling to the lions: ‘Jesus would spare you!’. Nigerians need to figure out how to grasp levelheaded considering rather obscuring their faculties with religious philosophies that will just end in distress and offer nothing of quality to mankind.

At the point when ebola illness softened out up Nigeria, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo incensed not a couple Nigerians when he said that regardless of the fact that individuals drank ebola infection, nothing would transpire in light of the fact that they were offspring of God.


In a moment, the story was everywhere throughout the nation that a minister who entered the lion’s nook was destroyed to death and devoured by the brutes. Numerous couldn’t trust their ears. On the other hand, there were some Christians who really trust that the minister was a genuine man of God and that the lions were really controlled by evil spirits to have assaulted the anointed ‘man of God’. This arrangement of Christians were angered and requested that the lions be slaughtered.

Right now, I will make reference to the experience of a writer from that time, somebody who really had the experience of the adventure, Akeem Soboyode, he composed of the episode in July 2004:

Around a year later, I additionally had reason to remark on the miserable and awful venture of a minister who intentionally sneaked into the lion’s lair at the University of Ibadan zoo and was battered to death by a lion. In spite of my developing reservation then in regards to issues of religion, my enthusiasm for composing an article on that issue came fundamentally from the way that I am a glad graduate of the college and paid numerous visits to that zoo while I was an understudy there. Quickly after the shocking occasion, numerous proposed that the lion be executed.

I contended in my article, likewise distributed in the PUNCH, that the lion was a brute, not a reasonable being as one would anticipate that its casualty will be. That was the way nature modified it to respond to such an occasion, and the foolish “Daniel” ought to have known not. I don’t review if the lion was in the long run wrecked, yet I do recollect that after the article was distributed, one of my Christian companions made a remark thusly: “Akeem, don’t you know the lion probably been had to have slaughtered the minister? Why would it be a good idea for it to live

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