[Editorial] TOT (Truth On Thursday) Reasons Why You Should Kill A Music Producer

TOT (Truth On Thursday) Reasons Why You Should Kill A Music Producer

Throwback to one sunny afternoon, in the early days of our musical adventure. I and my long time homie, Leke got introduced to a certain music producer. We wanted to do a Rap song, but little did we know that we were in for a shocker.

The plan was a simple one from the beginning, we had a Kanye West’ instrumental “Go hard” and we were about to go and spit what we felt was the sickest bars about that time. So we linked up with The Music Producer in his hood. We had barely even settled down when the dude started asking for his studio fee; which we paid abruptly.

As we got down to the order of the day, we noticed that his microphone was carrying some noisy waves while recording, which we complained about but the Producer gave a flimsy excuse that he was surprised himself since he recorded with the same mic the previous day. Well after much difficulty, we managed to record a verse and the chorus, but after the second verse the producer told us to repeat the chorus and backups, Repeat what?!! What the fuck!! As far as recording sessions go that I had known, it was gonna make the 1st chorus irregular from the 2nd one. It was obvious he didn’t know how to duplicate the Chorus on his recording App. The funniest thing was that he told us he was in a production school and a graduate of Music. Let me not fail to mention here that the sound of his production sounded so whack and of terrible low quality. I was frustrated and crying inside as I watched and listened to what I thought would be a hit song sound so irritating to our ears.

As if that wasn’t enough, naso this bros tell us say, all the recording data wey we record don delete or disappear…. sayin him no see am again for him system. Disappear bawo, our voice no be ghost Na.. naso one strange spirit enter my homie Leke.. Lol. That’s how Leke started packing all his Cables and his expensive headset. Lol it was funny to see Leke do this, that was the day I knew Leke na weyrey (crazy dude). He told the producer to refund all our money totally. The guy thought we were joking until we took a bike in his front and left with his headset. It took a lot of begging from people and total refunding of our money before he got his equipment back. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

In summary, the purpose of this write-up is to make us conscious of the fact that there is a thin line between Pleasant music and Whack music; and that line is ‘The Producer’. A Producer can make a good song feel bad or totally annoying just in our case above OR a Producer can make a bad Artiste even sound good.

As a music artiste, the detective process now falls on you to determine which music producer works for you, gives you a better sound, patient with your errors, understand your concept, and most important of all; mix your sound well.

There are many songs that have been destroyed with too much auto-tuning, reverb, roomworks or even less. The point is a producer should understand that each artist is peculiar in his/her own sense and what works for Mr. A might not be okay with Mr. B. Then as a music artiste, avoid looking for cheap studio sessions everywhere if at the end, you will be left with a whack sound of music.

It’s better to wait and save for a classic production than to release something stupid. You will only end up losing the few fans that even suffer with you


  1. Thanks bro for the fact you made known to every one I remember.. a producer I once used, after all my hard works on the song butthe sound was like shit.. mean while in the studio it was sounding well and clear. but when I got home it was like using a spoon to hit a empty tin can.. they decieve us with powerful speaker’s and power amplifiers…

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